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About Amaya Tala

Rising from the Ashes

Of Burnt Innocence and Dreams

Guided by the Stars

Beckoning the Light Within


Ashes till the soil

Life blossoming

New Awareness, New Dawn

Of Dreams Never Imagined


One’s Ashes

Is another’s

As the night rain pours

All Awaken in Glory



-Amaya Tala


Amaya Tala is a flourishing life practitioner who cultivates our inner healing and flourishing so we can become better stewards of our lives, purpose, and Mother Earth; therefore, helping with their deep restoration. Her work is rooted in life and nature wisdom, the wisdom of our ancestors and our own inner wisdom. She is a certified master life coach and a doctor in systems of systems engineering with about 17 years of experience in individual and community empowerment. She uses creative outlets such as art, music, dance, storytelling and many others and environmental pursuits such as herbalism along with a solution-oriented approach to foster a deep restorative reconnection and outcome.

Her past community projects include the Kapwa (Shared Self) Workshop, holistic life recovery for individuals in marginal living, Zoom webinars of indigenous wisdom keepers, Filipino native language and embodiment, retreats for self-healing, ancestral reconnection, land immersion, and universal realignment, and Blossoming from Within sacred circles. She founded the company Flourish Laya that cultivates spaces for flourishing within ourselves, organizations, communities and Mother Earth. 🌿

My Background

I am Amaya Tala. This is my chosen name. Amaya means "night rain" in Native American and Tala means "star" in Filipino. My given name is Nina Magpili. I am the daughter of Marlo Magpili from Mindoro, Philippines and Policarpia Maligalig Magpili from Laguna, Philippines. I am of Filipino-blood who grew up in Cavite, Philippines. I am currently residing in the United States. I acknowledge the First Peoples who stewarded this land. I bring with me

the seeking and walking of the process of healing and renewal for myself and the global community from colonial traumas. The core value of my Filipino indigenous culture is kapwa, the shared self. Kapwa means, loosely, that I am You and You are Me. I offer kapwa to everyone.

My Wellness Approach

In this oneness, I have shared this journey with an indigenous wisdom keeper, Mamerto "Lagitan" Tindongan, who has generously showed me what it means to live in the simple beauty of Mother Earth. I also shared this journey with Grandmother Patricia Anne Davis, a Choctaw-Navajo/Chahta-Dineh (Native American) indigenous wisdom keeper, as a co-facilitator of the Love Currency Embassy, a sacred circle ceremony for wellness restoration, based on the translation of their tribal principles by Grandmother Patricia herself. The Love Currency Embassy is a sacred space for anyone who wants to go through the Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process that teaches people how to embody life-affirming indigenous wisdom in their lives and community.

Patricia Anne Davis.jpg

The indigenous wisdom they both carry is ultimately wisdom and guidance from Mother Earth, herself, that has been carried by indigenous wisdom keepers for centuries. In this sacred wisdom, the person is the main sacred “instrument” as they look within, empty energies that do not serve them and their communities, and recalibrate themselves to realign with Mother Earth and the universal natural world so they can co-create the world with others from a grounded and genuine place. 

In the cultivation of my own gifts and sacred design, I live in my purpose as a flourishing life practitioner who is passionate about addressing the individual, relational, societal, and environmental root aspects of change and renewal. I bring out the beauty and strength within our nature that are in rhythm and in harmony with Mother Earth and the universe. I am a bridge between the modern and the natural world through facilitating

the experience and embodiment of nature's wisdom. I nurture circles for self-healing, flourishing, ancestral connection, land immersion, and universal alignment.The circles I cultivate go through a re-rooting and re-aligning process that links individuals, groups, and organizations and their thinking, feeling, being, and doing with Mother Earth and the universal natural world; therefore, blossoming with their beauty within and with others and helping the world genuinely thrive in peace, harmony, and love.

To bridge this sacred knowledge to our modern times, I also use my skills and knowledge as a master life coach, doctor in systems of systems engineering and a community advocate for about 17 years to help integrate a solution-oriented approach.

I gladly serve the renewal journey of each one of us as we remember our sacredness, love, and wholeness that is already within us. Mabuhay, Kapwa! (Loose translation: Be Alive, You/Me/Us!)  <3

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